Sunday, 2 August 2015

Travel Diary - Sunday August 2, 2015

Date: Sunday August 2, 2015
Theme/Title: Sets
Overview: The day started with the six of us having brunch at Farmer Brown. Then we all split up. F and Greg went to Fisherman's Peir, Jason went on a bike ride, and 'the girls' spent some time together in the hotel room. I had brought my deck so did Cartouche World Readings with Teri and Monica. Afterwards there was more splitting up and I slept while waiting for Jason to return from biking. Then Jason and I met up with Teri and Greg for the porn studio tour. Afterward's Teri and I drove Mon and F to airport and were so sad to say goodbye. When we got back into downtown we got some Mexican food at Taqueria el Sol with boys. The four of us played Bananagrams before bed.
Woke-up: King bed in the 'fun room' at 9:30am - A very nice sleep in!
Transportation/Distance: A bit of time walking, a bit on buses, and a bit in the car.
Meals: Breakfast Skillet with eggs and pulled pork. Steak taco salad.
Highlight of the Day: Porn Studio Tour
Lesson Learnt: I got a bad reading in the Seventh House of my Cartouche World. This is the house of Partners (personal or professional) which includes spouses, marriage, business contacts, clients, etc. When I do a reading it has always meant 'significant other,' so in my case, Jason. I got Set (Opposition, Obstacles, Problems, and Delays) which is pretty much the only negative card in the whole deck. Then when I went to put a second card on top it was Nephthys (The Hidden One), the card that means the cards don't want to provide any more details. Even though you aren't supposed to dig further after getting that card, I did. So lastly I got The Twins, a partnership card, but it was inverted which means a separation. Scary!
Night's Accommodation: Final night at The Clift, in the double room with Teri and Greg

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