Saturday, 1 March 2014

Cats And Books

Even though I spent all day (Saturday/Caturday) with Rasta at The Cottage, I am not going to be posting about him at the moment. To confirm though, he is as adorable, and entertaining, and mischievous as only a three month old kitten can be. I will post more about him in the future, I did take some pictures.

Instead I am going to post about something that combines two things that I love: books and cats. A program at an American animal shelter went viral a few weeks ago. (Kristen sent me an email about it.) It is called Book Buddies, children in Grades 1-8 who are able to read at any level are allowed into the shelter to read to the cats in the adoption room. The program is at Berks ARL (Animal Rescue League) in Pennsylvania. You can read about it HERE. Lots of photos are provided and they are all adorable - the 'adoption room' also looks pretty cool and I hope it, the program, and the insane amount of publicity surrounding it all helps these cats find loving homes.

Boy and a book and a buddy.
(Even better that it is a ginger cat.)

1 comment:

Sweeton said...

How sweet, reading to a cat. Though my experience with both Two and Rasta is that cats do not tolereate books because they take away from the attention that a cat is entitled (!) to.