Saturday 31 August 2013

Dad And I Are Late A Lot

I recently read that poor timekeeping can be diagnosed as a medical condition. (Well, it happened once in England but I hope that it will be considered legit and diagnoses becomes more widespread.) It is called "chronic lateness condition." The condition affects the same part of the brain as Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and means that the person cannot properly gauge how long things take.

This is actually how I think sometimes:
"You firmly believe that as long as the time you leave is earlier than the time you’re supposed to arrive, it’s all fine. Regardless of how long the journey takes." --- from Buzzfeed

This has actually been said to me:
"Time is not elastic." --- from my mom

This is closer to the truth:
I have no idea how long anything takes to do. I have no concept of travel time and how long it takes to get anywhere. Even with I try to add up estimates of these things - I don't really believe the numbers.


Sweeton said...

yep, Personally I would diagnos both of you with this. Dad lies to himself re timing and I bslive you are starting to do the same. In addition, the excitment of always being late feeds ADD

Jannedals said...

I'm definitely up there with the first one. Everytime.