Thursday 14 April 2011

The Finer Things In Life

The government is selling thongs! Really. It is just strange and I have no creative way to write about this at the moment, except that JennB sent me the link and the story both puzzled and amused me. Read it HERE. If you too are interested in buying government surplus crown assets the full website is HERE. Personally I have no money. (Literally! I woke up this morning to some pretty scary numbers when I checked my banking online and am trying not to spend the day sweating about it. I should be getting paid tomorrow and that will sort it out, but today I'm a little money stressed.) I don't want to waste the day looking over the site, it looks like it could be a pretty cool distraction. It lists some of the craziest things for sale. I would really have liked to buy the shark research vessel though.

1 comment:

JennB said...

I can't believe you included the tag "fashion" for stolen thongs.