Monday 19 July 2010

Guest Writer - Top Ten - Steph

From Stephanie Beach, writer of The Great Abyss:

Top Ten

Pretty much anytime I travel I take along a Top Ten Travel book. When Chris and I went to London, England she bought the London Top Ten book. When Dave and I went to Montreal, we purchased the Montreal/Quebec City book, which will later be used for our trip to Quebec City. When I had to go to Chicago for work, I of course got the Chicago book, which was later borrowed by a co-worker when he went a few months later. I also own the Las Vegas book as Dave and I will eventually be going there as well.

They are wonderful purse-sized books that let you know the best things to do in each city. They have maps both in the book itself but also ones you can take out and use during your travels. The listing are wonderful, everything from the sites to see to the places to eat and where to sleep. It takes into consideration all demographics as well as it has family sites, nightlife information and where to go depending on your sexuality. I find them very useful and as they are usually only about $12 a pop, they are well worth the money.

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