Thursday 29 July 2010

Guest Writer - Automobiles - Steph

From Stephanie Beach, writer of The Great Abyss
Photos by Stephanie Beach Photography:

Planes, Trains and Automobiles - Part III My Bumblebee

The story of my car is long, though interesting. To read it in full you can go here. In short, I got T-boned over a year ago on my way to work and Dave and I ended up buying a ‘new’ 2008 Honda Fit.
The point of this blog is not really the story behind the car, but the cuteness of the car itself. I am told it looks like a bumblebee. I do see this aspect if you open the door and look at it head on. The door look like the wings and the antenna looks like, well the bee’s antenna.

The car also has three hearts on its bum as that is the logo of the dealership we bought it in (well one heart, but there is one of the sticker and two on the license plate cover).

Despite, or perhaps because of, its cuteness, the car is perfect for us. The interior is quite large and Dave actually fits into the car without hunching over or feeling cramped. It has great gas mileage, though does have a small gas tank so we are still filling up just as often. It also holds a lot of stuff.
We love our car and it ‘fits’ us perfectly (I know, corny).

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