Thursday 17 June 2010

Random Thought Of The Day

Drinking Starbucks makes me feel very urban.

Tim Horton's makes me feel patriotic.

Second Cup makes me feel poor.

However, Second Cup is also a Canadian company and is equally as urban as Starbucks (as it too is trendy, fancy, expensive, and only available in cities.)


Erin said...

Haha, I kinda like it when people come through my till and don't know what things are. It reminds me of myself before I started working at Starbucks.

But yes, I would say I feel the same way about all of those places.

Anonymous said...

I always feel stupid when I go into Starbucks because I never know what anything is called!


Jerrica said...

I'm with Teri. I never know what I want and I always feel weird asking for a Venti.
And is anyone else freak out about the fact that this post is coming to us from the future? June 10, 2017.

JennB said...

I agree with Teri and Jer - I always forget (now it's just performance anxiety) so I just ask for a medium. F that, new fake Starbucks language.