Monday 29 March 2010

New Moon

I saw New Moon over the weekend. (The second movie in the Twlight vampire series.) It was enjoyable, however the best part came from this valleygirl rant, a nice break from all the brooding emo pinning. After going to the movies with Bella, her high school friend Jessica says; "I don't know, why you wanna sit through all those zombies eating people... and no hot guys kissing anybody. It's gross. Like, why are there so many zombie movies anyway? Is it supposed to, like, draw a parallel with leprosy? My cousin had leprosy, it's not funny you know? And like, is it supposed to be a metaphor for consumerism? Because don't be so pleased with your own, like... self-reverential cleverness, you know? Like, some girls like to shop. Not all girls, apparently. I was surprised you called at all, you know? Like, your depression thing... I'm totally... totally worried. After a while, it's like, she's still bumming? And I'm going through stuff too, you know?" --- New Moon, Written by Melissa Rosenberg (screenplay) & Stephenie Meyer (novel)


Jerrica said...

Oh god. Yet another thing to add to the list of reasons why i will NEVER WATCH THESE MOVIES!

Justin said...

I have to agree with Jerrica on that. I read Twilight and found it to be completely unsatisfying. I'm not hopeful that the 'movie' form of the 'sequel' (i.e. two mechanisms that often worsen a story) will be any better.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's your favorite part!!?? No, No, the BEST part was when we fumbled with the pause and rewind button to get a perfect still shot of Jacob with his shirt pulled over his head. Legal from the neck down right?
Love, T