Monday 23 March 2009

Long Game

Kristen and I just finished what is mathematically the longest Euchre game possible. I won! Before that though it was 9-9, we could not have played more rounds. We were also playing two-handed-Euchre, so I guess technically we could play an infinite number of rounds as we play that no points are awarded in the case of a tie (5 tricks each.) The 10-9 final score should have meant 19 rounds but actually we did have a number of tied rounds as well so it was much more. I enjoy two-handed-Euchre but I miss the regular kind with four people. Not many people I know in Ottawa know how to play though, and I hate teaching it. When I was younger teaching a new person Euchre was such a headache, no one could ever figure out the left and right bower thing. I guess my friends and I are older now and they would probably learn quicker, but I'm still not a patient enough person.


Unknown said...

if you're playing euchre than yeah, you are getting old...When will you be starting your very own bridge club.

Unknown said...

ps. don't know why I'm posting as Wesley. Must be because he logged into his gmail.