Monday 6 October 2008

The Big Apple - Not NY

Kristen, Taylor, Heather, and I went away this weekend. We went to Taylor's hometown and had a relaxing country weekend. I feel that the best event of the trip was Karaoke at the local bar on Friday night. We had such a blast. It was also great to just hang around and laugh with the girls. Kristen and Heather had never been to The Big Apple which was one of the area's attractions. I always used to want to go there whenever we passed it on the highway. I think it was in Grade 10 on a French Trip to Quebec City that I first went there. Since that point I always begged my parents to stop when we passed it, to see the bunnies and get an apple dumpling. I have stopped asking to go there because it never lives up to what I think it is going to be, as it is a very lame attraction with very expensive apple treats. This was confirmed on this visit as there were no bunnies and no apple dumplings. We still had a great time, for sure, with these girls you can't help but have fun. For the first time we went up inside the apple which I had never done before. The picture above is of Kristen biting it, Heather holding it up like Atlas, and me trying to push it over. Despite the fact that the scenery, forest, and general area around The Big Apple and other places Taylor took us is amazingly beautiful, the view from the top doesn't do it all justice. You can see a bit of it behind the picture of Taylor on the right. The changing colours of the trees are nice. To sum up: The Big Apple, a bit of a disappointment, The Trip, an amazingly good time.


Anonymous said...

Since when can you go up inside the big apple?? And why have I not done that on one of my several visits??


Unknown said...

Aw the big apple - that brings back good childhood memories.

Anonymous said...

That apple pie was pretty bad..... Thanks for coming with me Chris!!! You can come stay in the Eden room any time you want!

Love, T

Anonymous said...

I didn't like their apple pie either. It was very bland and boring, but I'm glad you had fun!


Anonymous said...

I have been to the big apple....not once...but TWICE!!!! And each time the pie wasn't all that they managed to sell 1 million pies or whatever is beyond is probably just the suckers that say "Hey Honey!! They've sold a million pies and there is a big apple there!! The pies MUST be amazing!!!"...and so people go and become disappointed by the pie. Sigh....oh well, always a good experience :)
