Friday 20 July 2007

More Look Alikes

As stated before, Erin looks like Kirsten Dunst (see Lunch With The FSWEPer's post). This fact was confirmed last night while watching a movie with Steph and a trailer for Spiderman 3 came up. She is very Kirsten Dunst a la Mary Jane. What I also noticed was that the guy FSWEPer, M. Jamieson, looks alot like Jude Law! In order to post the photo of Erin I had to Facebook creep her and steal the photo. I don't really want to do this to M. Jamieson, though I do have him on Facebook. I had been creeping him regularly in hopes of seeing wedding photo's but his elegant wife vetoed the wedding photo's on Facebook (I agree it is a little tacky) so I gave up looking for them to be posted. (Got to see them on Flicker though, beautiful wedding.) Anyway, my point is, I'm posting a pic of Jude Law, not M. Jamieson, but take my word on it, they look alike.

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