Wednesday 18 April 2007

Close Call

I biked to school today to write an exam. Once I got there I realised that I had forgotten my bike lock. There wasn't really enough time to bike home and get it. I went in to talk to the people at the gym counter and bought a combination lock from them for $6.25. This was pretty much the last of my money for the next two weeks. The lock didn't quite work but I felt more comfortable having done something. The stress of losing a bike, again, really added to the exam anxiety. I got through it though, and felt I wrote a decent exam, I didn't rock it, but I'm proud of what I accomplished. Thankfully, when I got back outside my bike was still there.


Unknown said...

funny you mention that...
Dave got his bike stolen from our backyard yesterday. The guy tried to break into the house too (and I was the only one here) the only thing that stopped him is our sticky window I thought it was locked but Dan discovered this morning that it was merely stuck a little...I saw the guy through my window (well his bottom half) and thought he was Dave - but it was not...I am kind of freaked out now.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry that our house got your first bike stolen.....