Friday 8 December 2006

Carleton Karma

Today I got some good Carleton karma. After visiting Kristin for her birthday I hopped on the bus. I had planned to head to campus to watch a lecture in the viewing room. I woke up very early this morning, unable to sleep because I was so worried about exams and how slow my studying was going. I made a vow to myself to start going to campus and watching the lectures I need to catch up on today after the visit with the Birthday Girl. I make these plans all the time but tend not to follow through with them. I was sure that I would be leaving the missed lectures for the last minute, fail my exams, and end up on the street. Even though I got on the #7 bus, which goes right passed my house, I went to school. It took everything I had to stay on that bus and get to campus. I just kept repeating to myself, "you have to watch those lectures, you have to watch those lectures". Well I made it, I'm sitting in the viewing room and I'm half way through one. I was looking for another piece of paper to write notes on when I found the 10 pages of notes that I had lost!!! I feel great, I also have fewer lectures to watch then I thought I needed. I may actually be back on track with my studying.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am glad you are studying, you can do extremely well in school when you decide you want to. :)