Sunday 12 November 2006

Pill Free And Happy

My night was great from start to end. I got a drive home from work with Cool Boss's Younger Sister since it was raining. After chilling for a bit I did Tae-bo, little sweat and loss of breath, bring on the endorphins. I made salsa and cheese wiz to go with nachos. Watched movies, including Cruel Intentions, an excellent film which is seriously sexy. Some downtime in my room with my laptop, actually on my lap, which I haven't done in a while because it used to overheat on uneven surfaces. Then back downstairs to spend time painting with Ami, almost finished a picture which I will give as a present at Christmas. Now it is off to bed, feeling satisfied with a Saturday night well spent.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great night.

I worked, ate, went to bed and now I'm at Carleton doing schoolwork. Whee. Hope you have a good day!


Anonymous said...

Watching The Izzard was quite good!
