Tuesday 31 October 2006

Mouse Crisis, Part Two

Last night I came home with Kristen and her roommates. I gave them a house tour since TallT, WifeT, and the Princess had never seen Le Manior before. We saw a mouse, well most of us just freaked out, screaming and running away. Ami went to go look for it, but it quickly escaped. Later on, after the girls had gone home, I was typing on my computer when I heard Binx outside my room rushing around. Little mouse screams quickly followed. I started shrieking, and Ami and Em came to my rescue. After the mouse ran behind my shelves, they told me to go downstairs for a while and everything would probably sort itself out. When I returned to my room, all was fine and I went to sleep. I was woken up by noise and more mouse screams. I made a quick exit out my second door and down the back staircase to Ami's room. She went up the front stairs and returned laughing a bit later "Oh something is definitely dying up there." I had to explain to her that Binx doesn't really successfully kill them. Ami headed up again and had to finish it off, then dispose of it outside. She is the bravest person I know, you would think someone like that would be harder but she is sweet, feminine, and sensitive, yet she is still my Knight In Cotton Pajama Pants.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my...

I slept through the whole thing.

You are both fabulous and strong and all that stuff. Yay!
