Friday 20 October 2006


I actually have two friends called Kristin, honestly I'm that popular. The problem is that sometimes when I'm talking about something and I mention one of them, people get confused which one I'm referring too. I usually say "First Year Kristen" or "Second Cup Kristin" to distinguish between the two. As you may have noticed they do spell their names differently. I met KrisEn (Right) last year in my 'First Year', we shared a couple of courses. She is in journalism and lives in a house near mine with her friends from residence. KristIn (Left) and I worked at Second Cup together this summer. She is taking Mass Communication to head into advertising and lives downtown with her boyfriend. Hopefully this clears up some of the confusion. "First Year Kristen" and "Second Cup Kristin" are lame and outdated names, but they will have to do for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the picture you used, lol. Thanks for that.