Sunday 29 October 2006

Back In The City

My trip back home was really really good. I slept on many buses {including one with SoccarStar and her varsity team} hung out with my Dad {a local diner is expanding so we had breakfast together at the new location} exercised with my Mom {went for a walk on a nature trail where we fed chickadees out of our hands} chatting with Little Brother Mike {his life is so much worse then mine} went on a day driving trip {wine tasting, beautiful scenery, and a Natural Wonder Of The World} saw relatives {Grandparents and my uncle, because we were moving some wood} partied with Teri {she is such a good friend and she has such good friends}. I'm happy I went home and now I'm happy to be back home.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm glad you had a good time. You deserved that.