Thursday 22 December 2011

A Happy Brother At Last

I have known my little brother for his entire life, all 24 years of it. I have watched him date a number of girls who ended up being, for lack of a better word, crazy. He would stay in horrible and destructive relationships becoming more and more miserable. From about mid-high school onwards it is hard to think of a time he was truly happy with all aspects of his life, especially romantically.

It was such a relief a couple of years ago when he started to date his best friend, Aimee. They had met a few years before, in the Army. She was one of his roommates in Edmonton and they really were great friends; hanging out, having fun, and supporting each other. During this time I knew her by her last name, which I gather is how everyone refers to each other in the Canadian Forces. When she and Mike became romantically involved it was a bit of time before my mind switched over to using her first name.

These recent years as Mike and Aimee's relationship grew I watched him move forward with his life filled with hope. Mike has always bested me with growing up, despite being younger - owning property, getting a career, etc. However, with Aimee he seemed even more excited with each new stage of life. They stopped renting and bought a condo together in Edmonton. While Aimee was away 'on tour' they purchased a house, which is still being built. I don't know what either of their plans are for after this first contract with the Army is over, but whenever I hear them talk about it they are excited about the future.

It has been wonderful to see my brother happy. He loves Aimee so much and I totally understand, she is pretty awesome. She puts him in he place. They share a lot of the same interests. They are kind with each other and have fun, even when doing mundane tasks. It is a great relationship.

I am happy to say that last week my brother proposed! Of course Aimee said, "Yes!" So, now I am going to have a sister. I could not be more happy for them and am glad that it is such a great person who will be added to our family.

Congratulations Mike and Aimee
I love you and wish you both the best!


  1. lovely post Chris. Dad and I are also very happy about this.

  2. This is truly amazing :) Congrats to Mike and Aimee, and to you guys on adding a new member to your awesome family! Miss you.
