Tuesday 13 December 2011

Good Habit, Bad Habit

It is just after 6am right now, as I write this. I went to bed at 10pm last night, after watching Jeopardy with Kristen of course. This is pretty insane for me. I never go to bed that early unless I'm sick or recovering from a string of late nights - not the case this time. I worked 3 opens in a row at Tim Horton's, normally I just do the two weekend days. The store opens at 5am, which means the opener has to get there for 4:30am; I wake up at 4am when I am doing this shift. Now my sleeping pattern has changed to bed early and up early for the first time in my life! I am going to be productive before my office job starts this morning too! I need to do some things for it, my MRP, and TAing. It seems like a good sleep pattern to be in but I doubt it will last.

1 comment:

  1. Now you have me worried, that sleep pattern seems more like mine and less like your Dads.
