Monday 5 May 2008

Proud Of Myself

I got my mark back for the one course that I have been trudging through since September. Third Year Shakespeare, a mandatory credit for English. I got an A. I had been hoping for an A+ since I got an A on both the essays and thought I rocked the exam enough to pull up my mark. I’m still really happy though, since it is the highest mark I have so far in Arts. I got another A back when I was doing engineering but haven’t seen one since. It was my first third year course and better then the standard A- I tend to pull off in my English courses. I also have almost paid off my little student loan, after which I can start saving money for going back to school full-time. I thought I was super close to paying it completely off, then I had to pay a huge chuck to Carleton for the Mass Comm course I’m taking over the summer. Also we had to pay first and last months rent at Die Höhle. I’m still proud of myself for the high mark and that I’m trucking along at paying back my line of credit. Great start to the summer semester!


  1. Congratulations Chris! An A is awesome - fantastic way to start of not only the summer semester, but also the third year courses! Keep it up, like I know you can.

  2. Congrats Chris!! When, we need to talk soon, when are you around?

    Love, Teri

  3. you got an A? fucking awesome!

